Fantasy Stories

As we near the end of the year, we are still working hard on our fantasy unit. Students are reading Roald Dahl book clubs and writing one of their own fantasies.

Students were able to come up with their own timeline for reading the book. Students will be doing a green screen video at the end as a culminating project to show what they know about the book.

Please ask your child about what books they are reading!

Thank you.

Ms. Gray


We have reached the end of our focus on the Oregon Trail and Lewis and Clark. To gauge the student’s understanding, they could chose to create a quiz on Kahoot or an Animoto video. By students creating the content and coming up with questions and answers, its showing me they understand what was taught. They are also actively engaged in their learning. Please see an example of an Animoto video below.




As we near the end of 5th grade, we have been reflecting a lot back on the year. Today we talked about motivation and what motivates us. We also talked about what we can do to be the best version of ourselves. We then watched the video below. Please watch and discuss it with your children!

Thank you!

MS. Gray